
Vet Removes 62 Hair Bands, Undies and More from Lab’s Stomach

black lab ate 62 hair bands

Tiki, a black Lab, had no appetite last week. When she started vomiting and having diarrhea, her dog mom, Sara Weiss, took her to the Good Shepherd Veterinary Hospital in Mars, Penn.

Dr. Hisham Ibrahim took X-rays and noticed a large, unusual mass in Tiki’s stomach.

Tiki was rushed into surgery. Dr. Ibrahim “started pulling handfuls of different items out” during the two-hour operation, vet technician Emily Cottle told WTAE. “It was quite an experience to see.”

Among those items: 62 hair bands, eight pairs of underwear, four rubber bands and one bandage.

Dr. Ibrahim compared the surgery to a magician pulling scarf after scarf out of a hat.

“I found this hair band attached to another hair band, to another one, to another one, and to other things again,” he told WTAE. “But, thank God, we were able to pull through, and Tiki’s recovered very well.”

Weiss said Tiki had previously eaten a Nerf dart, but was able to pass it, er, naturally.

Dr. Ibrahim recently had to surgically remove 15 pacifiers from another dog’s stomach.

“I was there for the pacifiers and many other different items, but not something that big (as Tiki’s collection),” Cottle told WTAE.

In May, a Belgian Malinois named Benno ate 23 live rifle rounds. Like Tiki, after surgery, Benno lived to bark about it.

Photo via Facebook

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Laura Goldman

I am a freelance writer and lifelong dog lover. For five years, I was a staff writer for i Love Dogs. When that site shut down, I started this blog...because I STILL Love Dogs!