John Oliver Honors All Good Dogs in Emmy Acceptance Speech

Is 2024 the “Year of the Dearly Departed Very Good Dogs?” Earlier this year, Jon Stewart’s beloved three-legged Pit Bull, Dipper, crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Last month, I lost my sweet Ella, the poster pup for i Still Love Dogs. Last week, Hank, the adorable mascot for the Milwaukee Brewers, passed away. Sadly, several people I know have also had to say goodbye this year to their four-legged BFFs.
So when John Oliver thanked his “most fantastic” dog during his acceptance speech last night for winning the Emmy for Outstanding Scripted Variety Series for “Last Week Tonight,” I got a little choked up.
“She was at our wedding and she got us through the pandemic,” Oliver said. “She was with us for two pregnancies.” Awww.
At this point, Oliver was cut off by the orchestra—playing a rather somber melody—because his speech had reached the time limit. But Oliver continued speaking.
“We had to say goodbye to her,” he said as the sad music swelled. “I feel like Sarah McLaughlin right now. She was an amazing dog.”
I’m guessing that, like a lot of viewers, I got a lot choked up. Using a bleeped f-bomb, Oliver jokingly cursed the orchestra. The music stopped.
“This isn’t just for her—this is for all dogs,” Oliver said. The audience (and, I’m guessing, a lot of us at home) cheered. “All dogs, you are all very good girls. You are very good boys. You all deserve a treat. Play me off now! Thanks so much.”
If there were a category for Outstanding Emmy Acceptance Speech, Oliver would be the deserving winner.
Here’s to Oliver and all the good dogs who are with us physically or in spirit!
Photo: Steve Jennings, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons