pig and dog best friends got lost

Lost Dog and His Pig BFF Safely Back at Home

Petey the pig grew up with two dogs who are his best buddies. In fact, the pig pretty much thinks he’s a dog.

“I have a big backyard, and they run and play together all day,” their pet parent, Willie Landry of Seffner, Fla., told FOX 13. “He plays with the dogs, he eats with the dogs. They all live in the same house.”

After Petey and one of the dogs, K 2, escaped through a fence in that big backyard Tuesday, the other dog was “moping around without them,” Landry, said. He told FOX 13 he looked everywhere for the escapees.

Happily, K 2 and Petey are safely back at home, mostly thanks to the efforts of Bunny Laite of the Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center, who found the two, and the Lost and Found Pets of Hillsborough County Facebook page, which posted their photos.

Alba Jimenez saw the photos of the odd couple and left comments on the Facebook page saying she recognized them as pets belonging to Landry, her neighbor. Meanwhile, FOX 13 aired a news story about the two.

“This morning, people started calling me, saying they’re on TV. Somebody found them,” Landry told FOX 13, choking up. He said he was surprised Petey and K 2 had managed to wander so far from home.

“They’re family,” he said. “I’m just glad to have them back home.”

Hopefully Landry will get the fence fixed soon — and get K 2 fixed as well. Male dogs that haven’t been neutered tend to roam more, according to the ASPCA.

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Laura Goldman

I am a freelance writer and lifelong dog lover. For five years, I was a staff writer for i Love Dogs. When that site shut down, I started this blog...because I STILL Love Dogs!

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