You’re the One that I Want: John Travolta Adopts Puppy from Oscars Betty White Tribute

Let’s forget about that infamous very low point of this year’s Oscars, shall we, and instead rejoice in one of its highlights: The sweet tribute to Betty White, where Jamie Lee Curtis held an adorable adoptable puppy adorably named Mac N Cheese.

“Day in and day out for almost a century, she was a woman who cared so much for not just her two-legged friends but for animals just like this,” Curtis told the millions of people watching. “So, the greatest gift you could give Betty White is to open your heart and your home and adopt a rescue dog just like Mac N Cheese from Paw Works.” Sweet!

You knew Mac N Cheese wouldn’t be homeless for long, and sure enough, she now has a new family. While cuddling with her in the green room before going on stage as an Oscar presenter, John Travolta fell in love with the puppy.

“I thought it was so beautiful to see him with her and then today I found out that he and his son, Ben have adopted beautiful little mac & cheese and are taking her home today,” Curtis wrote on her Instagram yesterday. As you may or probably don’t recall, Curtis and Travolta starred together in “Perfect” back in 1984.

Travolta confirmed the adoption on his own Instagram. “Ben adopted this dog from last night’s Oscar tribute to Betty White. Thank you @curtisleejamie & @pawworks,” he wrote.

“It is an emotional end and a perfect tribute to Betty White,” Curtis wrote, “and it shines a light and AMPLIFIES the message that heroes who, like Betty, and Chad from Paw Works and Nancy from Perfect Pet Rescue and the team at MaeDay Rescue and the hundreds of thousands of other rescues, who love and support ANIMALS, that rescuing animals and offering them shelter from the storm of life and a warm and loving home is one of life’s most important actions we humans can take!”

You know that Betty White is smiling somewhere.

Another highlight of the Oscars for me was “CODA,” which I loved, winning the Best Picture award. Based on its title, I had actually been rooting for “The Power of the Dog,” until I watched it — and discovered it is not about a canine with superpowers. Hmmpphh.

Paw Works is a nonprofit dog and cat rescue organization based in Camarillo, Calif. If you’d like to help them help more dogs like Mac N Cheese, visit their website.

Photo: Mateus Gowan/YouTube

5 Oscar-Nominated Films That Should Have Starred Dogs

There’s been a lot of well-deserved controversy over the lack of diversity in this year’s Oscar nominees. Women and people of color are glaringly absent from the ballot — which may or may not have something to do with the fact that 94 percent of academy members are white and 77 percent are male.

Also missing are any non-human nominees. Okay, they’re missing every year. But just imagine if some of the 2015 Best Picture nominees had starred dogs instead…

‘Amstaff Sniper’

An American Staffordshire Terrier named Smoochie becomes one of the most skilled “snipers” in Denver. He sneaks up on breed-ban supporters and kisses them, efficiently killing their hatred of “Pit Bull type dogs.” Spoiler Alert: Thanks to Smoochie, Denver’s Pit Bull ban is lifted, as are all others around the world.


Has-been Rover Thomson (portrayed by Best Actor nominee Michael Keeshond) once played the superhero Birddog in a series of popular films. He tries to get back in the limelight by putting on a dog show in Central Park.


During a 12-year span, a Boykin Spaniel experiences the joys of puppyhood, middle age and being a senior dog.

‘The Grand Bouvier des Flandres Hotel’

The whimsical tale of Monsieur Gooddog (left), iron-pawed concierge of a five-star hotel for dogs in the Republic of Shihtzubrowka. Gooddog loves the older bitches (quite literally).


A young Whippet wants to become a great agility dog. He works with an intimidating trainer who humiliates him by repeatedly jabbing his neck and yelling, “TSCH!”

Photo credits: K. Kendall, Bill Jacobus, jetsonphoto, CaronnaMatt Brown

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